Well we had an adventure today. Why is it that ER visits and accidents happens more often when cousins are around? I'm sure it's the same way in other families right? Well we had a scissors "incident" tonight. Brooklyn and cousin Savanah were playing with scissors and Brooklyn ended up getting cut in between her thumb and index finger, on that skin that pulls tight when you flex your hand. We ended up going to the ER cause it was pretty deep and I was concerned that she couldn't keep her hand still until it healed. I've heard horror stories of waiting in the ER for hours, but this was not one of those stories. We waited maybe 5 minutes and they brought her back. She got to choose between blue or black stitches and she chose blue. She had everyone wrapped around her finger (or hurt thumb!). She told the registration ladies, "I have to tell you something, I have red blood" (putting at lot of emphasis on the blooooood). She also had the nurse Thom and Dr. Don melted pretty good. Brooklyn certainly does not lack any personality in a crisis situation! It was not a piece of cake, but she did get a piece of cake at grandma's house after we were done. It took only about 1 hour in and out, but it was emptionally exhausting. All in all, our first ER experience was not as tragic as I had expected it to be. I'm not saying it was enjoyable or that I want to do it again, don't get me wrong. I'll try and get a picture soon. For now I'm tired and want to go to bed.